
Charity Donations

Clean Water

Helps Lives

Change Lives

Change the World

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Meds in Tap

“40 million Americans have found pharmaceuticals in their tap water.” – California Department of Resources and Recycling

Plastic in Water

“Bisphenol A, an industrial plastic employed in the production of plastic water bottles, has been demonstrated to interfere with the endocrine system and has been linked to an increased risk of breast, ovarian, and prostate cancers.” – Kuiper GG, Lemmen JG, Carlsson B, et al. Endocrinology


Most frequent questions and answers

Yes! All donated amount is given to your selected charity.

Charities work in different countries. You would need to contact the specific charity.

Help change the world one life at a time. Water is the most fundamental thing we need after breathing. A vast amount of people in the world do not have access to clean water.

Yes! You will receive literature on the charity and all social information to follow the charity.

Yes! Schedule a meeting with our staff and we will be glad to set up your donation.

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